Web’s Short Attention Span (plus more)

If you’re writing for the web, get to the point! The average home user spends only 52 seconds on a web page.

Other useful facts from Nielsen/NetRatings’ June 2006 figures:

  • The average home user has 36 web-browsing sessions per month, visiting a total of 63 unique domains.
  • There are 10,546,747 active “digital media” consumers in Australia (does that mean “Internet users?), out of an estimated 13,745,868 potential users.

David Hicks, Australian larrikin

Whatever you think about the political issues, Australian David Hicks, currently a long-term guest of the US government at the exclusive Guantanamo Bay health resort, does seem to have a sense of humour.

As reported in Crikey today (though not included on the free-to-view website), Hicks has been stirring the pot in a typically Australian fashion.

Hicks obviously speaks some of the language of the people with whom he’s lived, trained and fired weapons, but many of his comrades had little or no English when they arrived at Guantanamo. So they begged Hicks for knowledge of suitably dark and vicious curses they could hurl at their infidel American jailers, something that would really annoy the Servants of Satan?

The guards were subsequently met with an enraged chorus from the “worst of the worst”: “Gidday mate howareyergoin’, gidday mate howareyergoin’, gidday mate howareyergoin’“

I wonder what the guards made of that!