Why do people even bother with lame excuses like “I didn’t receive the invoice” or “The cheque was mailed yesterday”? Wouldn’t telling the truth help build a stronger relationship? Or do they actually think people believe this stuff?
If Microsoft made iPods
Can you imagine Microsoft making something as sexy as Apple’s iPod?
I didn’t think so.
And neither does the creator of this parody video showing what Apple’s sleek, minimalist iPod packaging might look like if it were redesigned by Microsoft. And the version I’ve shown in the thumbnail image (right) is just the start — watch the video and you’ll see what I mean.
Humour aside, this is a beautiful illustration of how two very different companies approach the task of packaging — one with class, the other with all the grace and style of a drunken hippopotamus.
Corporations as Psychopaths
Many large companies seem to fulfil the psychiatric criteria for psychopaths, according to research by the Turku School of Economics in Finland.
Australia Post’s lousy website
I’ve never been a fan of the Australia Post website, and not just because it’s pig ugly. In any website design, attention to detail is important — and every time I’ve used this site I’ve run into attention-to-detail problems.
Continue reading “Australia Post’s lousy website”Redesigning the Platypus
Rantings of an Insane Platypus blogs about women’s basketball in Australia and the US. Written by a good friend, it pulls 3300 human visitors a month — plus an indeterminate number of monotremes.
I mention this because we finished the redesign yesterday — thanks to Andreas Viklund for the original layout — and because it’s an excellent example of what I’ve been calling “micromedia”.
Everybody’s Blogging (Not)
“In August 2009, the number of known blogs will more or less equal the population of the world,” says Tim Bray. What a daft thing to say!
Continue reading “Everybody’s Blogging (Not)”