The 9pm Tale of Madame Brussels with Barbara Minchinton

Caroline Hodgson aka Madama Brussels, circa 1875–1879. (Photo: State Library of Victoria) Inset: Barbara Minchinton. (Photo: Viv Mellina)

Victorian-era Melbourne had a thriving sex industry, and the flashiest of the flash madams was Caroline Hodgson, aka Madame Brussels. My guest today is Barbara Minchinton, author of the new book, Madame Brussels: The Life and Times of Melbourne’s Most Notorious Woman.

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The 9pm Geography of Cybercrime with Dr Miranda Bruce

Dr Miranda Bruce is ready to wrangle the cybercrime data. (Main photo: John Carroll/UNSW Canberra at ADFA; background image: Benjamas/Rawpixel; digital composition: Stilgherrian.)

Have you ever been a victim of cybercrime? I know I have. I bet you have too. So let’s talk about that now with Dr Miranda Bruce from UNSW Canberra, because she’s been working on the World Cybercrime Index.

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Weekly Wrap 738: Three podcasts recorded, nil posted, and what cold weather we’ve been having

My week of Monday 15 to Sunday 21 July 2024 was both busy and not busy. I recorded three of the five special-guest episodes for The 9pm Edict winter series, but during the cold and windy winter weather I was fighting some sort of infection and needed so much sleep.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 738: Three podcasts recorded, nil posted, and what cold weather we’ve been having”