“A funny thing happened on the floor of the [US] Senate last week,” says Gary Brecher (pictured left). “Somebody asked a serious question: ‘If the war in Iraq is lost, then who won?’.” The brief answer is “Iran in the short run, China and India in the long run.” Read the full post for Brecher’s observations and reasoning. [Thanks to Blog Them Out of the Stone Age for the tip.]
End of the “War on Terror”?
British ministers and civil servants have decided to stop using the phrase “War on Terror.” Apparently it gives terrorists a “shared identity”, according to Hilary Benn, Britain’s Development Secretary, and strengthens disaffected groups by making them feel part of something “bigger.” How long will it take GWB and JWH to follow suit?
Oz soldiers design own recruitment ads
Nice touch: The latest round of Australian Army recruitment posters were designed by the grunts themselves. This one isn’t the winner, but it’s my personal fave.
Author John Birmingham provided the pointer, and amongst the various daft comments from his feral fan base there’s a gem, explaining how the ads reveal the current self-image of the typical Australian soldier.
The Bush administration’s Must-Do List
The New York Times has just published, as their editorial, a list of things that need to be done to “reverse the unwise and lawless policies of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.”
Leaked “friendly fire” video
In 2003, British solider Lance-Corporal Matty Hull was killed in Iraq and a colleague injured when an American A-10 aircraft opened fire on his vehicle. The cockpit video from the A-10 was leaked, and the transcript has been published.
I watched the video.
I cried.
Stick Guns
Six minutes of (anti-?)war. Superb, despite the shite MySpace video compression. Thanks, Richard.
See it in its original context, and read about its creator, Dave Tucker.
[Update 8 January 2008: The copy of Stick Guns on YouTube is better quality.]