The 9pm Delusion of His Anserine Highness, Princess Timothy of Kew, and Other Observations

Self-described “walking stereotype” and “insufferable constitutional monarchist” Tim Smith MP speaks to the media at Parliament House in Melbourne after he crashed his car while drink driving in October 2021. (Photo: Andrew Henshaw)

The spring series of The 9pm Edict kicks off in a strange week, especially in British politics and the monarchy. This episode is a disjointed set of personal observations and complaints.

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The 9pm COVIDSafe Global Warming Happy Times with Justin Warren

Justin Warren
Justin Warren, or a reasonable imitation thereof, at work in a back yard in Melbourne (Photo: Kyle Taylor/ABC News)

The winter series of The 9pm Edict continues with the return of Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”. He’s also chair of Electronic Frontiers Australia, but I’m sure they’ll disown him.

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The 9pm Space Telescope Titillation with Pulsar Boy Rami Mandow

Rami Mandow and two telescopes, one an optical scope and one part of a home-made radio telescope. (Photo: Supplied; Post-processing: Stilgherrian)

The winter series of The 9pm Edict continues with astrophysicist Rami Mandow, founder of There’s a new telescope to talk about, and much more.

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The 9pm Celebrity Superstar Experience on the River Kwai with Mark Humphries

Mark Humphries is lost in the foyer of the ABC’s headquarters in Ultimo, Sydney, becoming easy prey for the ever more aggressive B1 and B2 (not shown). (Photo: Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The winter series of The 9pm Edict continues with another very special guest, satirist Mark Humphries. We met up on Bastille Day. We retreated to an upstairs bar. This delightfully rambling conversation was the result. 

Continue reading “The 9pm Celebrity Superstar Experience on the River Kwai with Mark Humphries”