There will be a special catch-up edition of Stilgherrian Live tonight at 9.30pm Sydney time. Explanations and recriminations will come later. You can still nominate someone or something for “Cnut of the Week” until 8.30pm.
A Surfeit of Stilgherrian
Two published stories from me yesterday. In New Matilda, Well That’s Awkward covers the outing of Telstra employee Leslie Nassar as Fake Stephen Conroy. And in Crikey, ACMA issues threats, meets the Streisand Effect covers the government’s threat of $11,000-per-day fines to people even linking to links to “prohibited” material. The latter is behind Crikey‘s paywall for the moment.
More Twitter on the Tubes
On this week’s A Series of Tubes podcast with Richard Chirgwin, you can hear me talking about Telstra’s HFC upgrades, copyright, and (yeah, I know) still more Twitter.
Skipping a week
The won’t be a Stilgherrian Live tonight. After last week’s journey, and this week’s Silicon Federation seminar Entering the Mobile Ecosystem and yesterday’s Internet filtering forum, my poor little brain is overloaded. If you’re desperate, you can listen to me on A Series of Tubes.
Thank you, First Donor!
I’d just like to say a great big “Thank you” to the chap from Adelaide who was the first person to use the “donate” button on my website. After giving me $50, he said: “The live blogging is good (although I read the last one a day late), but in general I like your Crikey commentary and your investigations into the Labor Great Firewall of Australia. Keep up the good work.” Thanks. You can donate too, if you like.
Liveblogging continues today!
Yesterday’s Stilgherrian Live Road Trip was more a video thing that a liveblog, and if you really want to see all the fragments they’re online in unedited form over at Ustream. Today, however, I will be liveblogging properly — like, with actual content — from the Politics & Technology Forum, starting just before 9am Canberra time.