Weekly Wrap 629: An easy week with plenty of time to remember the snow

Snow at the Alexandra Hotel

My week of Monday 13 to Sunday 19 June 2022 was a short one, and relatively easy. Or to put it another way, I was lazy. There was a podcast. There was some planning. And there was clear, sunny weather — if a little cold. A nice change after weeks of La Niña, and a strange contrast to last year’s June snow.

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Weekly Wrap 628: A podcast, a comedy, a sad ending, and rather a lot of alcohol

Katoomba Cockatoo

I did a lot of drinking during my week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 June 2022. I am comfortable saying this. As I’ve already posted, ZDNet Australia has been shut down so I had a very long lunch with colleagues. And I enjoyed drinks both before and after catching the wonder Nigel Ng at the Enmore Theatre. I still managed to produce a podcast and do some other work, so there.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 628: A podcast, a comedy, a sad ending, and rather a lot of alcohol”