Weekly Wrap 631: Lots of rain, lots of sleep, but not much else

My week of Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2022 was full of fatigue and I don’t know why. I’m hoping it was just a routine week of blergh. In any event, the weekend saw the return of MORE RAIN, with 118.6mm recorded in the 24 hours to 9am today, and already another 46.8mm by 6pm, or just before.

I was so tired I didn’t get much done this week, at least that I can report here. But it’s a new financial year now so I’m hoping to ramp up the revenue — including getting some more regular writing gigs now that ZDNet Australia is gone.

I’ll be reviewing and plugging my writing. In the coming weeks I’ll tweet a daily link to something from the archives, with the hashtag #StilArchive2022.


  • The photos in the Waratah sequence 2021 now span 306 days. Yes, on Monday we hit 300 days since I started photographing a flower bud, and on Friday it passed the 10-month milestone. Remarkable stuff.

Articles, Podcasts, Media Appearances, Videos, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear.


The Week Ahead

Monday is the 20th birthday of the image that currently features on the home page of this website, so today I’ll re-create it. I may look a little different after two decades.

Stilgherrian roaring in the shower, 4 July 2002. (Photo: ’Pong)

On Monday or Tuesday I’ll record a solo episode of The 9pm Edict podcast.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. Do feel free to contribute to my upkeep.

Bond on Tuesday continues with Diamonds Are Forever (1971) starring Sean Connery. Find a stream and get ready at 8.30pm AEST. We press PLAY at 8.40pm.

This week I’ll also continue with the SEKRIT geek-work and editorial consulting that I haven’t been telling you about.

[Update 4 July 2022: I now have a plan!] And towards the end of the week I’m hoping I’ll be able to record a special guest episode of the Edict. I’m just waiting for some emails that confirm the plans.

On Thursday afternoon I’m recording a podcast with Claire Connelly, a researcher, freelance journalist, and Policy Fellow at the Sydney Policy Lab at the University of Sydney. She’s been writing some great stuff recently for The Saturday Paper, including Profits up, wages down in today’s Australia, Greg Hunt’s final act against universal healthcare, and ‘Eviction by dereliction’: the decay of public housing.

If you’re a supporter who wants to cash in TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, please let me know by 4pm AEST this Wednesday 6 July.

Further Ahead

  • The 9pm Edict recording with Mark Humphries, 14 July 2022. If you’re a supporter who wants to cash in TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, please let me know by midday AEST next Thursday 14 July.
  • Opening of Parliament, Canberra, 26 July 2022. I’ll be watching online. And here’s the proposed parliament sitting calendar (PDF) for the rest of 2022.
  • TechLeaders Forum 2022, Leura NSW, 21–22 August 2022. After a hiatus during the Quarantimes, this once-annual gathering for tech journalists is returning for 2022. Its purpose is for industry PR people to meet the journos who cover their clients.
  • APNIC 54, Singapore and online, 13–15 September 2022. I daresay I won’t be travelling physically to Singapore, but we’ll see.
  • NetThing: Australia’s Internet Community Forum, online, 27–28 October 2022 (TBC).

[Photo: Grey sky over Katoomba, photographed on 2 July 2022.]