A Series of Tubes returned weeks ago

I’ve been very slack about keeping you up to date with the podcast A Series of Tubes, on which I’m a regular guest with the redoubtable Richard Chirgwin. So, here we go…

In episode 83 (24 May) I spoke about about my Project TOTO trip to Tanzania.

In episode 84 (31 May), it says “Stilgherrian is trying to get ready for Project TOTO in Tanzania, in spite of the tribulations of topless garden gnomes (Tubes doesn’t know either!), but still took time to talk censorship, international cables, the OECD and Sol’s parting shot.”

And in episode 85 (10 June), I spoke about regulation, censorship, and Google Wave.

Richard and I recorded another interview yesterday, so I’m guessing episode 86 will appear tomorrow some time.