’Pong and I have returned home safely from Cowra, a 655km round trip, thanks to the wonders of Matthew Hall and the Success Whale. All hail the Success Whale! (Except Stephen Stockwell, unbeliever.)
The journey home was enlivened with an interesting experiment. Instead of me broadcasting Stilgherrian Live — bright TV lights in a moving car at night would be a plan full of FAIL — we created an inside-out radio station. Some of my followers on Twitter took up the offer to send us links to music — which we streamed live from YouTube. The audience chose the music and we listened to it.
This experiment in crowdsourcing a playlist was remarkably successful. I’ll publish the music later. But even more remarkable was the power of the hyperconnectivity. Even though we were driving through rural New South Wales, we were still in touch with our friends — wherever they were too — doing the usual things we do of an evening, like swap links and tell each other bad jokes.
I’ll have much more to say about this soon. But for now I must rest.
Isn’t “unbeliever” what they (used to) cry at witch-hunts and KKK rallies?
@Stephen Stockwell: “Unbeliever” is such an incredibly versatile word. But Success Whale forgives you even if you don’t believe in Him.
@Stilgherrian: Riiiiiiiight. Probably just about as versatile as, oh, say … “Torture”?
@Stilgherrian: But of course, this has nothing to do with dogmatic tunnel-vision whatsoever. Nope. Nothing.
But I dig that “Success Whale” is tapping his foot, waiting for an apology. A lot like that angry face the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man made in ‘Ghostbusters’
@Stephen Stockwell: Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man has no fins. But he does have his own Wikipedia page. Yet the Fail Whale doesn’t because he’s not “noteworthy”. Losers.
@Readers: See? This is what happens when you let ideology govern your higher faculties. I oughta know.
A. Catholic