It’s nomination time for “Cnut of the Week” for tonight’s edition of Stilgherrian Live (9.30pm Thursdays Sydney time).
It’s the same rules as usual. We’re after people (or abstract forces of nature) who’ve been futilely trying to hold back the tide of change.
Who do you nominate, and why?
Can the US Federal reserve win for the third week in a row?
Of course, the US Federal Reserve can — and should — win for the third week in a row.
How could anyone else hope to match Cnuting on such a grand scale?
I’d better list the other nominations which have come in.
yewenyi posted in another comment:
We also have:
Any others?
After the US Veep debate tomorrow the pick for next week is going to be down to two.
But for this week…
@Stilgherrian: Now, look; if Cameron Reilly (How do you do) is going to indict Christianity in general, then obviously that’s going to be a red rag to a bull as far as I’m concerned, Stilgherrian.
I’m not saying he isn’t right, but don’t we already have OTHER postings on this blog that warn against easy targets like this?
someone in this story needs a nomination;
the woman involved?
the colonel?
the parking company?
or newscorp for its contribution to on line “journalism”?,23599,24436065-13762,00.html
@KerryJ and @Damien: Thanks for the additional nominations. Sadly I didn’t have this list immediately in front of me while on my “live walkabout” last night, so didn’t give you shout-outs. But the nominations are certainly appreciated and I’ll turn them into some kind of essay later.