Weekly Wrap 25

A weekly summary of what I’ve been doing elsewhere on the internets and in the media and so on and so forth — and this week it seems like I’ve been consuming more food and drink than producing media.



  • Patch Monday episode 66, “Inside the internet’s China syndrome”. A conversation with infosec specialist Crispin Harris about that story of China supposedly hijacking 15% of the world’s internet traffic for 18 minutes back in April. Needless to say, the story is somewhat of an exaggeration. I’m pleased with the opening montage on the program.

Media Appearances


Corporate Largesse

With six bullet points in this section — four of them from the one day! — and it still being November, there’s clear evidence that my liver may not survive until the actual day of Christmas. Wish me luck.

  • The Australian Communication Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) fed me lunch while I gave them a briefing on the National Broadband Network on Tuesday. My largess to them is probably worth more than theirs to me.
  • I had cakes and other sweet items while attending the eCrime Symposium on Thursday. The organisers also gave me a bottle of Yering Station pinot noir.
  • AARNet paid for lunch at Est Restaurant while their CEO Chris Hancock gave us a briefing on their plans on Thursday.
  • Nate Cochrane, editor in chief for some of Haymarket Media’s mastheads in Australia including iTnews.com.au, bought me a couple of beers while we discussed the media industry in Australia and the future of journalism.
  • I popped into a drinks session being staged by Securis Global, and they bought me a couple of beers.
  • Continuing the busy Thursday, I went to the CBS Interactive Christmas Party at The Italian Village in The Rocks. ZDNet.com.au is one of their mastheads and I file stories for them, so I’m not sure if this actually counts. But someone from one of Microsoft’s PR firms bought me a double scotch, so that definitely counts.


Most of my day-to-day observations are on my high-volume Twitter stream, and random photos and other observations turn up on my Posterous stream. The photos also appear on Flickr, where I eventually add geolocation data and tags.

[Photo: A platform sign at Erskineville station, Sydney. I have no idea why I took this photograph, so obviously you need to see it too.]

And here’s the program…

Title card for Stilgherrian Live Christmas Special 2008

…all 3.5 hours of it. All streamable and watchable as you wish. It was planned to be 2 hours, but we had to pad until His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message was ready to air.

Unlike the usual one-hour programs, we included the weird-arsed archival videos that I usually play after the program officially ends in the body of the program itself.

Tomorrow we’ll clean up the editing of the Christmas Message somewhat and post it online as a stand-alone video. Stand by.

[Update 26 December: Alas, it seems Ustream recorded only the first 70-odd minutes of the program. The rest is lost in the ether… forever.]

Stilgherrian Live Christmas Special 2008

Christmas tree with gold baubles and a star

I’ve finally decided! Stilgherrian Live will present two hours of special Christmas Day programming tonight from 6pm Sydney time, kicking off with His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message.

Actually, it might be called His Excellency Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message, or maybe just His Excellency’s Christmas Message, depending what we decide later.

I’ve been reviewing the raw video footage this morning and it’s disturbing. As is the gnome. You have been warned. See you tonight. with the gnome.

[Christmas Tree image courtesy of Icon Drawer.]