Episode 37 online

Screenshot from Stilgherrian Live episode 37

Stilgherrian Live episode 37 is now online for your viewing pleasure.

Of course it’s never the same without the live chat amongst the audience members, but there it is. We chose the “Cnut of the Week” (and I suspect I won’t give anything away if I say the result was predictable), and Gnamed the Gnome. We also explored the digestive system and did something distasteful involving bushfires.

[Update 13 February: For some reason it looks like the recorded audio is out of sync. I’ll drop a support note to Ustream tonight.]

“Stilgherrian Live” returns, looks at Internet censorship

Screenshot from Stilgherrian Live episode 35

Yes, Possums, I know you’ve been hanging out all summer. (Maybe you need better-fitting board shorts?) But the time has finally come! (Maybe get a cloth?) Stilgherrian Live returns for 2009 tonight at 9.30pm Sydney time — with a conversation about Internet censorship.

For those who’ve only recently found me through Twitter or wherever, Stilgherrian Live is my continuing experiment in live video on the Internet — a chat show of sorts. You can find out more by reading all the posts in the Stilgherrrian Live category, or watching the previous episodes linked off the program page. People have also written about why they watch Stilgherrian Live.

There’ll be new segments for 2009, though not in this first episode. More on that another time, including news of the Stilgherrian Live Road Trip to Yass later this month and the occasional Urgent Squawk mini-programs. Tonight’s episode is a quickie, with little preparation, because I know that people want to talk about the latest Internet censorship news and its implications.

And yes, this means nominations are now open for “Cnut of the Week”…

Continue reading ““Stilgherrian Live” returns, looks at Internet censorship”

So why do you watch Stilgherrian Live?

Image of Stilgherrian from the Stilgherrian Live Christmas Special

Stilgherrian Live is currently on summer break, but will return soon. My question to you today is: Why do you watch it?

My plan is that when Stilgherrian Live returns in 2009 I’ll give you more of what you like and less of what you don’t like. Plus I’ll be getting the marketing sorted out, as well as recording it properly so it can go on iTunes and other places to reach a wider and more vulnerable audience.

So what do you like about it? It’s quite random at times and the production values are, erm, not the highest in the world. Does that matter? Is that its charm?

So far the regular segments are, in rough program order: a cheap and nasty opener, a rant about something that’s annoyed me that week, the “Cnut of the Week” segment, some random TV adverts via YouTube, Stilgherrian’s Street View (a few minutes of random footage in some street), more ranting with the occasional talkback call, a closing song — and then after the “official” program more random crap I’ve found on that Internet thing.

What should stay? What should go? What is the appeal of Stilgherrian Live? What is it that I bring to be small screen which is unique? What else should I know while I’m thinking about this? Over to you…

And here’s the program…

Title card for Stilgherrian Live Christmas Special 2008

…all 3.5 hours of it. All streamable and watchable as you wish. It was planned to be 2 hours, but we had to pad until His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message was ready to air.

Unlike the usual one-hour programs, we included the weird-arsed archival videos that I usually play after the program officially ends in the body of the program itself.

Tomorrow we’ll clean up the editing of the Christmas Message somewhat and post it online as a stand-alone video. Stand by.

[Update 26 December: Alas, it seems Ustream recorded only the first 70-odd minutes of the program. The rest is lost in the ether… forever.]

Stilgherrian Live Christmas Special 2008

Christmas tree with gold baubles and a star

I’ve finally decided! Stilgherrian Live will present two hours of special Christmas Day programming tonight from 6pm Sydney time, kicking off with His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message.

Actually, it might be called His Excellency Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message, or maybe just His Excellency’s Christmas Message, depending what we decide later.

I’ve been reviewing the raw video footage this morning and it’s disturbing. As is the gnome. You have been warned. See you tonight. with the gnome.

[Christmas Tree image courtesy of Icon Drawer.]