Weekly Wrap 644: I have a cold, but I still got things done because I’m a hero

Ornamental pear flowers

This Weekly Wrap is appearing a day late because my week of Monday 26 September to Sunday 2 October ended in a long weekend, and I took full advantage of that. Nevertheless there’s a fantastic podcast for you to listen to, and a radio program too, plus I updated the Canberra digital developments thing. Also, I have a cold.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 644: I have a cold, but I still got things done because I’m a hero”

Weekly Wrap 459: Destroyed by a cold, but still a few cybers

My fortnight from Monday 4 to Sunday 17 March 2019 was a difficult one. The terrorism at the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which ended the week didn’t help. No one needs that in their world, least of all the victims of course. I won’t dwell on that here. That’s not because I have nothing to say. It’s because I have too much to say.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 459: Destroyed by a cold, but still a few cybers”