The 9pm Breakfast Martini and Coprophagic Strategy Chat with John Birmingham

John Birmingham and a bit of Ukraine. (Photo: Supplied; Map: Institute for the Study of War; Digital imaging: Stilgherrian)

The autumn series of The 9pm Edict continues with another visit from author, columnist, and reprobate John Birmingham to chat about strategic things, the election, and breakfast martinis.

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Weekly Wrap 619: Hacking, surveillance, and the start of a six-week election campaign

The election has been called, Cheers!

Monday 4 to Sunday 10 April 2022 was another productive week. A good podcast. A good written article. And, despite a long day out in Sydney on Saturday, some new projects are in the offing. Even La Niña couldn’t bring down my mood. And then the election campaign kicked off.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 619: Hacking, surveillance, and the start of a six-week election campaign”