Monday 11 to Sunday 17 April 2022 was the first of three short weeks thanks to public holidays. La Niña took a break for Easter, and I discovered some new local fauna. Oh, and there was a podcast.
As mentioned last week, I started playing around with those cheap wildlife cameras from Aldi. Week one saw me capture a swamp wallaby and her joey, a fox, a few rats (Rattus rattus), and a brief glimpse of a brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula).
The fox’s days are now numbered. We’ve contacted the local fox trapping program and will soon be able to deploy a trap. Stay tuned.

- The 9pm Election Unhinging: Week the First, recorded and posted on Thursday. This is the first of a mini-series of six episodes to be posted each Thursday through to election day.
The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners, and this mini-series is outside my planned budget because I am an idiot. You can always subscribe for special benefits or throw a few coins into the tip jar. Please consider.
- 006 Wallaby Supper with Joey (ROUGH CUT), the first video from my cheap-arsed Aldi wildlife cameras. As I wrote on YouTube, “A wallaby and her joey eating some wild bird seed at Bunjaree Cottages near Wentworth Falls NSW in the wee hours of 11 April 2022. I’m 95% sure it’s a swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) as they’ve been sighted here before.”
- Here’s this week’s thread of imagery from the wildlife cameras. I don’t think there’s anything worthy of posting to YouTube on its own.
- I’ve gathered all my previous videos of wildlife into a single playlist titled Critters.
You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear.
- The photos in the Waratah sequence 2021 now span 229 days. Progress continues to be very slow and I’m starting to run out of creativity.
Articles, Media Appearance, Corporate Largesse
None. You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.
- People get mad at ABC’s Vote Compass for honestly showing where they lean, writes Cameron Wilson, and yes this has all been quite hilarious.
- Curiously, I wrote about Vote Compass for ZDNet back in 2013 and I stand by every word. Yes, Senator Abetz, ABC’s Vote Compass is indeed Orwellian. As was my style at the time, the lede is a ridiculous 89-word sentence.
- An actually useful election tool from the Guardian: Pork-o-meter: Tracking Australian election promises.
- The very different media universes in which Americans live, visualized.
- I was reminded this week that back in 1984 I interviewed David Attenborough.
- Tokyo’s Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows writers on a deadline, and won’t let them leave until finished.
The Week Ahead
It’s the short week after Easter and Monday is a public holiday — although I’ll be spending that doing some bookkeeping. But once that’s out of the way, there’s more of the SEKRIT geek-work, and possibly some writing for ZDNet.
On Wednesday I’’’m heading down to Sydney for back maintenance, lunch with a co-conspirator, and various errands.
Update 22 April 2022: For various reasons I’ve had to rearrange the podcast recording schedule.
On Thursday Friday I’ll record the second of my election special podcasts and post it that night.
On Friday the weekend I’m recording a podcast with John Birmingham. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC to insert into this episode then please let me know by 8pm AEST on Thursday 21 April Friday 22 April.
And then it’s the rest of the long weekend for Anzac Day. No plans as yet. I might just… relax.
Further Ahead
- Aaron Chen at the Enmore Theatre, 5 May 2022.
- AusCERT 2022, Gold Coast, 10–13 May 2022 (TBC).
- Federal election, 21 May 2022. I’m not sure how I’ll celebrate yet.
- Australian Cyber Conference 2022 Canberra, Canberra, 31 May to 2 June 2022 (TBC).
- Nigel Ng’s The Haiyaa World Tour, Enmore Theatre, 9 June 2022.
- NetThing: Australia’s Internet Community Forum, online, 27–28 October 2022 (TBC).
[Photo: Swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) with her joey, being a frame grab from the video 006 Wallaby Supper with Joey (ROUGH CUT) shot in the small hours of 11 April 2022.]