Suwannakorn at Europe Grill


’Pong says:

For the first time, my works are exposed in Australia. It is Walking the Street 06, an annual community event organised by Inner West Cultural Service. I am one of the selected artists who have their artworks installed in shop fronts along King Street South, which is from Newtown Station to Sydney Park. King Street, Newtown is one of the coolest shopping streets in Australia. In the event, the street is even more colourful with artworks from diverse artists. And it’s free!

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’Pong’s photos on King Street

Suwannakorn image

One for the diary: the Suwannakorn series of photographs by my better half ’Pong will be on display at the European Grill, 506 King Street, during Newtown’s Walking the Street Exhibition from next Saturday 7 October.

Personally, I’d much rather have seen some of the urban abstracts on display, but hey that’s my taste. Maybe I just don’t like blue. But then the choice was also influenced by the display space available in the venue.

Great Techno, and Check My Patch

Deepchild The Solstice begins with a chance pleasure. Extraordinarily fine community broadcaster FBi has just put online the audio and video of “Blackness of the Sea”, a cruisey tune from Deepchild who, as they accurately put it, is “one of Australia’s most respected producers of leftfield dance music”.

Download. Listen. Enjoy. You’ll also see my local patch, because the video was shot in Newtown in Sydney, same postcode as me here in Enmore. I can spot about 50% of the locations so far.