Weekly Wrap 389: Cybers, mist, and productivity

Track in the MistMy week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 November 2017 was a quite a productive one, especially with some organisational things done in the background. Je suis happy.

The big achievement was launching the crowdfunding campaign for The 9pm Edict Summer Series, to fund extra episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast over summer. As I write this on Sunday evening, 21 supporters have already taken us 45% of the way to Target One. Je suis even very happier.



Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

On Monday, I’m writing for ZDNet, then going through my notes and recordings to see what else I should be writing about before the end of the year.

Tuesday is a Sydney day, primarily to go to a press lunch with cybersecurity company CQR. I may add some meetings, however, so place your bids.

The remainder of the week is mostly work for DirectorTech, but I’ll probably write something for ZDNet too.

Further Ahead

The next episode of The 9pm Edict podcast will be recorded on Thursday 23 November at 2100 AEST. As has become traditional, it will be streamed live via stilgherrian.com/edict/live/.

This episode will include the wrap-up of the Pozible campaign for The 9pm Edict Summer Series.

[Photo: Track in the Mist, being one of the tracks leading to Bunjaree Cottages photographed late on the misty morning of 5 November 2017. While it was misty early in the week, it ended with some bright sunny days.]

Weekly Wrap 346: Sliding into 2017, finally

My week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 January 2017 saw my first media output for the new year, but it was still a slow start.

I’m way behind schedule. This is the first of three Weekly Wraps that I need to power through today. So I’ll stick to the basic information, and maybe some photographs from previous years.

Media Appearances

Articles, Podcasts, Corporate Largesse


[Photo: Sydney Harbour from the AMP Building, photographed on 3 February 2016.]

Weekly Wrap 338: A triple cyber and a long walk

Smith's Hall, RozelleMy week of Monday 14 to Sunday 20 November 2016 was less productive than I’d hoped, but hey that seems to be the theme, right?

I have, however, started doing some of the things that my doctor recommended a couple of months back. Starting an exercise regime with some walking, for instance, and a few things that’ll help reduce my stress and anxiety levels.


Podcasts, Media Appearances


Corporate Largesse

  • On Wednesday I covered the Fortinet Security 361° Symposium at the Hilton Hotel Sydney. There was food and drink.

[Photo: Smith’s Hall, Rozelle, photographed 20 November 2016. All I know about this building is that it was built in 1908 and it’s in the inner west Sydney suburb of Rozelle.]

Weekly Wrap 330: More spring, more cybers, less pain

Ascent: click to embiggenMy week of Monday 19 to Sunday 25 September 2016 was the first in more than three weeks where I spent a day without any painkillers. Four days, in fact.

Whether it was that, some of the other medical activities, the continuing springing of Spring, certain other factors, or some combination thereof, it was also more productive that recent weeks — despite the stress continuing much as usual.

The week also way the beginnings of Certain Plans being made, but those details are for another time.




Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

  • On Thursday, I covered the Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Summit, so obviously there was food and drink.

The Week Ahead

I’m back in Sydney’s inner west again, where I’ll probably be based for a few weeks.

On Monday, I’m writing for ZDNet, bringing my geek-for-hire projects up to date, and negotiating my next moves with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). That stuff continues into Tuesday.

On Tuesday Wednesday, I’m recording and streaming an episode of The 9pm Edict podcast. That’s scheduled for 2100 AEST, but before that I’ll be launching a new crowdfunding campaign. I also have a number of meetings in the city.

Thursday is about bookkeeping and medical appointments. Friday is about writing and the like. And then it’s the Labour Day long weekend.

Further Ahead

I’m going to the AISA National Conference in Sydney on 18-20 October, the Ruxcon Security Conference in Melbourne on 22-23 October, the iappANZ Trust In Privacy Annual Summit in Sydney on 14 November.

I plan to record the next Public House Forum episode of the Edict on Saturday 15 October somewhere in or near Sydney.

Update 27 September 2016: Edited to reflect schedule changes.

[Photo: Ascent, being a photograph of the railway overpass on Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls, taken on 20 September 2016. It’s a bit muddy, so maybe I should try to improve that image.]

Weekly Wrap 314: Cold and wet and more wet, and wet

Crossing Anzac Bridge: click to embiggenMy week Monday 30 May to Sunday 5 June 2016 was disrupted by a cold or somesuch — perhaps caught at AusCERT 2016, perhaps just the change-of-season illness that seems to have spread down the entire east coast of Australia — and then by Sydney’s massive rainstorms of 4–5 June.

I’m therefore well behind schedule, so I’ll keep this brief.


  • “The 9pm Edict Public House Forum 3” was recorded on Saturday, and the final version will be produced and posted on Wednesday 8 June.


None. I’ve got tons of recorded interviews, however, so I’ll be sorting them out soon enough.

Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

I should be in Sydney for the whole week once again. With few specific appointments locked in so far, I’ll be working at my own pace through the neverending tax bookkeeping, the geek-for-hire projects which are way behind schedule, and some writing for ZDNet. In roughly that order.

There are three fixed commitments, however.

  • On Monday through Wednesday, I’ll edit, mix and post The 9pm Edict Public House Forum 3.
  • On Wednesday afternoon, I’m recording a radio spot which will be broadcast on ABC Radio’s digital streams on Saturday afternoon. Check my Twitter feed on the day for the exact time.
  • On Wednesday evening, I’m doing a radio spot on ABC 774 Melbourne at 1930 AEST.

The weekend is unplanned, and it’s the long weekend for the Queen’s Birthday.

[Update 8 June 2016: Edited to reflect some schedule changes. Update 11 June 2016: Edited to add the Tweet of the Day item.]

[Photo: Crossing Anzac Bridge, photographed on 4 June 2016 during Sydney’s massive two-day rainstorm.]

Weekly Wrap 307: Cockatoos and cybers, more or less

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos at Wentworth Falls: click to embiggenMy week of Monday 18 to Sunday 24 April 2016 went pretty much to plan, with productivity when it was needed, and some relaxation when that was needed.




Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

  • On Monday, I went to a lunchtime briefing by Nuix, and they provided food and drink.

The Week Ahead

I’ll be spending another whole week in Sydney, staying at my usual SEKRIT cave in Lilyfield.

[Update 26 April 2016: I’ve had to rearrange my week, because my decision to eat all the leftovers on Monday was a poor choice, and because I didn’t allow quite enough time for moving my data to the loaner MacBook Pro. Update 27 April 2016: More schedule changes. This is not a low-entropy week.]

Monday is Anzac Day, but instead of enjoying the public holiday, I’ll be catching up on some geek-for-hire work, and finishing the script for an episode of The 9pm Edict podcast. I’ll also be collecting a loaner MacBook Pro, for use while mine goes in for repair some time in the following days, and loading it with data.

On Tuesday, I’ll be writing for Crikey, getting a briefing from Verizon on their new Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), probably writing for ZDNet, and recording that podcast catching up on some geek-for-hire work, finishing the script for an episode of The 9pm Edict podcast, and at 1900 AEST doing a radio spot for ABC 774 Melbourne.

On Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll be going to some of the Amazon Web Services Summit Sydney. On Wednesday evening, I’ll be recording that podcast.

On Wednesday, I’m posting the audio from Tuesday night, working on the much-delayed geek-for-hire projects, and proposing some topics for Thursday night’s videos. I’ll also be battling considerable nausea. The geek-for-hire work continues on Thursday morning.

On Thursday afternoon I’m dealing with the computer repairs repairs (if I haven’t already done so), then in the evening recording some videos for ZDNet.

On Friday, I’ll finally be recording that podcast.

Somewhere in there I’m doing some writing for ZDNet.

Further Ahead

On 3 May, I’m covering the inaugural National Fintech Cyber Security Summit in Sydney. Then on 24-27 May, I’m covering the AusCERT Cyber Security Conference on the Gold Coast.

[Photo: Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos at Wentworth Falls. Wentworth Falls is home to a clan of sulphur-crested cockatoos numbering about 50. I managed to capture some of them in flight while waiting for a train on 20 April 2016.]