Talking the Yahoo data breach on ABC Radio National Drive

ABC Sydney TARDIS 1ABC logoYahoo was the victim of the biggest data breach in history, at least so far, so it was inevitable that I ended up talking about it in the media.

This is my conversation with Jonathan Green on ABC Radio National Drive on Friday night.

Yahoo has confirmed the theft of user data including e mail addresses, birth dates, encrypted passwords and security questions. It took the internet giant two years to find out about the massive data breach. Stilgherrian is a Yahoo user and avid writer and commentator on the topic of cyber security and privacy. He talks to RN Drive about the incident.

And here’s what it sounded like.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and it’s served directly from the ABC website.

[Photo: The view in ABC Sydney TARDIS 1, photographed in April 2016.]