Word-whore. I write 'em. I talk 'em. Information, politics, media, and the cybers. I drink. I use bad words. All publication is a political act. All communication is propaganda. All art is pornography. All business is personal. All hail Eris! Vive les poissons rouges sauvages!
Dr Miranda Bruce is ready to wrangle the cybercrime data. (Main photo: John Carroll/UNSW Canberra at ADFA; background image: Benjamas/Rawpixel; digital composition: Stilgherrian.)
Have you ever been a victim of cybercrime? I know I have. I bet you have too. So let’s talk about that now with Dr Miranda Bruce from UNSW Canberra, because she’s been working on the World Cybercrime Index.
UNSW Scientia Professor Toby Walsh in an AI-generated image using the prompt: A slightly sinister-looking Professor Toby Walsh is sitting in a dark and threatening Edwardian science fiction setting, unware of the variety of threatening humanoid and octopus-like robots gathered close behind him (Original photo: UNSW, processing: Midjourney)
It’s all about artificial intelligence as the spring series continues with one of the leaders in the field, Scientia Professor Toby Walsh, chief scientist at the UNSW AI Institute.
I finally kicked off a spring series of The 9pm Edict podcast during my week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 October 2023, after a break of more than three months. Please encourage me to do more in the usual way: send money.
My week of Monday 12 to Sunday 18 September 2022 saw me visit one Sydney university and peer at parts of another from a distance over rooftops — so obviously I’ve posted a photograph of the one I didn’t visit. I also produced a fascinating podcast, even if I say so myself.
UNSW Scientia Professor Toby Walsh (left) and one of the special friends he made along the way. (Photo: Christian Kielmann/TU Berlin)
The first special-guest episode in the spring series is a fascinating chat about artificial intelligence, killer robots, and more with UNSW Scientia Professor Toby Walsh, chief scientist of the brand new UNSW AI Institute.
In the episode we hear what some people think about other people who think very bad thoughts about statues, about the fear in America, and… and things which are truly beyond explanation.