Weekly Wrap 696: Planning for a podcast’s return and memories of flying

My week of Monday 25 September to Sunday 1 October 2023 was both productive and pleasant, though I can’t tell you much about the productivity part. Here are some of the highlights, plus all the usual Interesting Things.


  • Digital developments from Canberra 55. The big stories this week were the revelations about home affairs chief Mike Pezzullo, the government’s response to the Privacy Act review, and late to this page, a comprehensive review of the intelligence services.

You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Podcasts, Videos, Photos, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

None of these, but see below for news of forthcoming podcasts. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear.


I’ve been doing this weekly wrap of Elon Musk news for quite a while now, and I must say how I’m surprised by how with every passing week he seems even more of a fuckwit that I’d first imagined — and that was a lot,

In other news:

The Week Ahead

Monday is the public holiday for Labour Day, at least in New South Wales, but I’ll be catching up on some work for a client because we have a significant meeting on Tuesday morning.

Thursday is a day trip to Sydney for a long walk and a meal with Snarky Platypus, among other things. This time we’ll be walking from Burwood to Auburn via Rookwood Cemetery, “the largest necropolis in the Southern Hemisphere”. That’s about the same distance as we walked last time.

[Update 3 October 2023: The next four paragraphs have been rewritten to reflect some changes to the schedule.]

Friday sees another trip to Sydney for various errands and such, and the usual blog post will also emerge. I’ll then be staying in Sydney overnight because…

On Saturday I’ll start three and a bit weeks of housesitting. If you’re wanting to catch up with me, this would be a good time in which to extend invitations.

Finally, some time this week I’ll be recording and posting a solo episode of The 9pm Edict podcast. Definitely. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC to throw into the mix, please let me know as soon as possible. The finished episode is likely to be posted on Saturday.

[Update 8 October 2023: The finished podcast will in fact be posted on Monday. I’ve swapped over a few scheduled tasks to better fit client deadlines and my billing cycle.]

And if you look below you’ll see there’s two more episodes coming up quite soon.

Further Ahead

[Photo: Mark Newton refuels his Van’s Aircraft RV-6, registration VH-SOL, at Swan Hill Airport (YSWH) en route to Goolwa on 28 September 2018. I had hoped to record some podcast segments along the way but I made a basic technical error. We’ll have to try again some time.]