Weekly Wrap 743: Wattles indicate the change of seasons, but I sleep through much of it

During the week of Monday 19 to Sunday 25 August 2024 the flowering wattles makes the change of seasons. I caught up on sleep, but not on podcast production. But I think things are under control.


  • The Weekly Cybers #32. Australia and New Zealand agree that a cyber attack could trigger the ANZUS Treaty, the government blows $340 million on the abandoned GovERP project, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Podcasts, Media Appearances, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


So yeah. Some Elon Musk news, as is my routine.

In other news:

The Week Ahead

On Monday I’ll finally finally finally edit and post that space episode of The 9pm Edict podcast with Rami Mandow. Sorry for the delays.

NEW: On Wednesday I’m recording a podcast with Professor Axel Bruns from the Digital Media Research Centre at QUT. We’ll be talking social media, Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code, and much more. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, I’ll need them by 2pm AEST this Tuesday 27 August. I’ll post that podcast on Saturday.

That’s the final special-guest episode of the Edict for the winter series, and the end of winter, so I guess I should kick off the crowdfunder for the spring series. Stay tuned.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

On Friday afternoon I’ll head down to Sydney for a couple nights of cat-sitting. I’ll finish and post The Weekly Cybers en route.

Further Ahead

  • The Sydney Dialogue, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Sydney and online, 2–3 September 2024 (TBC).
  • APNIC 58, Wellington, New Zealand, and online, 4–6 September 2024 (TBC). I may watch a couple of sessions online, but we’ll see.
  • Sydney Days, 7–18 September 2024 (TBC). I’m planning to spend some time in Sydney but the dates have yet to be formally locked in.
  • ABC Radio RN Drive “Big Tech” spot, 12 September 2024.
  • NSW Local Government Elections, 14 September 2004. This is mostly a reminder to myself but there may be some sort of celebration.
  • Queensland expedition, flying to Cairns on 13 October 2024, taking the Spirit of Queensland train down to Brisbane on 16 October and overnight, then visiting the Gold Coast on 20 October before flying back to Sydney on 21 October. I’m still fleshing out the details but there’s bound to be opportunities to catch up for drinks and such.
  • Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) 2024, formerly known as NetThing, Melbourne and online, 28–29 October 2024 (TBC).

[Photo: A gossamer wattle (Acacia floribunda) in flower, on which sits a European honeybee (Apis mellifera), photographed on 20 August 2024.]