Weekly Wrap 41

A weekly summary of what I’ve been doing elsewhere on the internets. Another week of doing most of my work from my temporary home in the Blue Mountains.


  • Patch Monday episode 80, “‘Arrogant’ Apple battles over copyright”. Australian TV production company Jigsaw Entertainment is suing Apple for selling an iPhone app containing their copyright material. Apple declined the opportunity to comment, but Jigsaw were happy to speak. Indeed, on Tuesday Apple complained in court about some of the comments from Jigsaw CEO Nick Murray. The federal magistrate thought that on the face of it they seemed “unhelpful” and were “close to the wind” in terms of possibly being in contempt of court. I was amused to hear Patch Monday described as “a quasi-radio program”. Maybe the Federal Magistrates Court isn’t up to the word “podcast” yet.



  • I didn’t do this personally, but via my little business the Fender Australia website was made to look like the US, the Fender Musical Instrument Corporation. Well, the home page was. Our next project is to turn that 950-page manually-maintained site into something built with WordPress.

Corporate Largesse

None. Again. I’ll have to fix that. In fact there’s a big corporate party next Friday, but I’m wondering whether I can be bothered coming down to Sydney for it.


Most of my day-to-day observations are on my high-volume Twitter stream, and random photos and other observations turn up on my Posterous stream. The photos also appear on Flickr, where I eventually add geolocation data and tags.

[Photo: Railway Parade, Wentworth Falls, in the fog, taken on 16 March 2011. This is the regular path I take when walking from Wentworth Falls station back to the Bunjaree Cottages.]