Film: Paris, Je T’Aime

The movie Paris Je T’Aime (“Paris, I love you”) opens in Sydney today, a collection of eighteen 5-minute love stories from different directors. “Is this going to be heartwarming,” I grumbled before Monday night’s preview. “This had better not be fucking heartwarming!'” But no. ’Pong’s review is a bit harsh. I found it an acceptable chocolate box of entertainment, if French. And it’s the only time I’ve laughed out loud when someone was diagnosed with leukaemia! Cute cameo by Marianne Faithful. Warning: there is mime in one story.

One Reply to “Film: Paris, Je T’Aime”

  1. It sounds harsh, Stilgherrian, because I skip the good giggling bits, which you find them in most of the stories.
    But when you go a restaurant, in this case French, you expect to experience a proper meal not a box of assorted chocolate. My point is the concept of the movie is good but it is not perfect for cinema. DVD or mobile movie are the format for it.

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