The 9pm Nine Years of Nemesis and Chocolate Cake with Snarky Platypus

Promo image for ABC TV’s Nemesis showing Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison, and Malcolm Turnbull. (Photo: Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Inset: A platypus, but not that one. (Taronga Conservation Society Australia / Chris Wheeler)

It’s a marathon episode for serious political tragics! I’m joined by Snarky Platypus to discuss the ABC TV documentary series Nemesis about the three recent Liberal Party prime ministers of Australia. But we also find time to discuss other matters.

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The 9pm Artificially Intelligent Millipede Menace with Justin Warren

Justin Warren
Justin Warren’s face is captured by a malicious AI and turned into chocolate cake. (Photo: Kyle Taylor/ABC News)

With so much AI in the news, I thought our special guest for this first episode for 2024 should be Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”.

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