iPod-powered Vibrator

OhMiBod Music Powered Vibrator The promotional copy tells you everything you need to know:

The OhMiBod vibrator is a whole new way to enjoy your iPod® or any other music player. Everyone loves music. Everyone loves sex. OhMiBod combines music and pleasure to create the ultimate acsexsory™ to your iPod.

What’s especially impressive is their use of iTunes playlists:

OMB users can instantly (and anonymously) become part of a fun, hip community called CLUB VIBE, where other OMB aficionados write about their experience, trade tips, share their favorite playlists, and more. Log into iTunes and search “OhMiBod” under the iMix section and see what music is turning other people on and purchase those songs quickly and easily! Regardless of the musical genre you are sure to find new amazing music here. If you don’t see something that tickles your fancy, upload your own iMix and share with others what works for you!

Oddly enough, the fine print says this product isn’t endorsed by Apple…

Saturday Night Trivia, Question 1

Call yourself an Australian? Cool. Does the name Vincent Lingiari mean anything? No? Well, OK, doesn’t to me either.

But, you know, I just heard Archie Roach and Sara Storer singing his story on RockWiz. And bugger me, it turns out he’s one of the country’s most important human rights activists.

Bloody embarrassing not to know that, eh?

I mean, you’re probably more likely to remember, oh, that woman on a bus, who was she again?