My week of Monday 28 November to Sunday 4 December 2022 represented a pause before a couple of very busy weeks. The weather was lovely, as was the continuing schadenfreude from You Know What.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 653: Starting summer with schadenfreude and a king parrot”Digital developments from Canberra 16
This morning Parliament wrapped up for 2022, and a whole bunch of important things happened — including the passing of legislation for the National Anti-Corruption Commission and bigger data breach penalties, and an interesting selection of new bills.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 16”Weekly Wrap 652: How much schadenfreude can one person eat?
My week of Monday 21 to Sunday 27 November 2022 saw me get a bunch of things done, most of which I can’t talk about. But hey we all enjoyed the Twitter dramas, and I refined my decision about The 8pm Quiz.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 652: How much schadenfreude can one person eat?”Digital developments from Canberra 15
Parliament sat Monday through Thursday this week, with the Senate also sitting on Friday. The National Anti-Corruption Commission legislation trundles along, we find out just how dodgy Scott Morrison’s ministerial appointments were, and much more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 15”Weekly Wrap 651: Ever more schadenfreude, a kookaburra, and an announcement about The 8pm Quiz
Two weeks in and I’m still wallowing in the ongoing soap opera that is Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. My week of Monday 14 to Sunday 20 November 2022 saw me waste so much time on that, but I also managed to push some commentary and other media objects.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 651: Ever more schadenfreude, a kookaburra, and an announcement about The 8pm Quiz”Digital developments from Canberra 14
Parliament wasn’t sitting this week, but some interesting reports hit the table — including a couple of Commonwealth Ombudsman reports on electronic surveillance activities.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 14”