In the first three sitting days of Parliament, the new Albanese Labor government did… what? When it comes to the digital realm, not a lot. But here’s a post anyway.
Continue reading “Digital developments in Labor’s first week of Parliament”Weekly Wrap 634: A lot of sleep, and a little nostalgia for a decade ago
I’ve sometimes said that I seem to operate on a two-week productivity cycle. It therefore comes as no surprise that my week of Monday 18 to Sunday 24 July 2022 was a relatively quiet compared with last week’s burst of productivity.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 634: A lot of sleep, and a little nostalgia for a decade ago”Weekly Wrap 633: Getting back on the productivity horse, plus another good podcast
The theme for my week of Monday 11 to Sunday 17 July 2022 seems to have been organising things. Not only did I produce another fun podcast, I sketched out most of my work plans for the next two months. I even made some chicken soup.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 633: Getting back on the productivity horse, plus another good podcast”Weekly Wrap 632: Two podcasts and some actual productivity
During my week of Monday 4 to Sunday 10 July 2022, I made up for my lack of productivity last week. Two podcasts were extruded from the creativity tube, and I made some good progress on planning some things for the coming weeks.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 632: Two podcasts and some actual productivity”Weekly Wrap 631: Lots of rain, lots of sleep, but not much else
My week of Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2022 was full of fatigue and I don’t know why. I’m hoping it was just a routine week of blergh. In any event, the weekend saw the return of MORE RAIN, with 118.6mm recorded in the 24 hours to 9am today, and already another 46.8mm by 6pm, or just before.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 631: Lots of rain, lots of sleep, but not much else”Weekly Wrap 630: Another easy week as the financial year draws to an end
My week of Monday 20 to Sunday 26 June 2022 was much like the previous week. A podcast and some planning and some socialising, but not a whole lot else. I’m sure this will come back to bite me. The weather was nice though.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 630: Another easy week as the financial year draws to an end”