Sydney (as well as other places) will have a partial solar eclipse today. The peak moment is 1534 Sydney time, though the moon will only take a small bite out of the sun.
Abandoned party girls
Spotted on Oxford Street, Sydney last night: an abandoned clothing boutique, recently repossessed by the landlord, with these rather forlorn-looking dummies holding an impromptu party.
Another storm approaches… now!
As I type this, it’s just beginning to rain, and I can hear the sound of thunder in the background. But 20 minutes ago I took this photo of the gathering storm clouds over Enmore in Sydney.
Are you proud of your culture?
Are you proud of your culture? It depends which culture you mean, I guess. Over the weekend I’ve pondered that while we all celebrated our Australian culture, and somewhere — not that I bothered participating — gay men celebrated “gay culture”. Again.
The photo (above) is from ’Pong’s photo essay on Australia Day. Classy eh?
The rest of the pics show precisely how we celebrate the Birth of Our Great Nation at the very place where the key events of 1788 took place. It’s pathetic. It’s embarrassing.
As I Twittered to ’Pong at the time, “So many people in your Oz Day photos use the flag as clothing. Fat-arsed drunks sitting on it! Nation’s flag: show respect.”
New Film & TV bookshop on King Street
Marcus Wade has opened the Film & Television Specialist Bookshop at 1/502 King Street, Newtown. Actually it opened in November but we only discovered it yesterday. Drop in, buy something, say “Hi” from us.
There’s something about this urinal…
For some reason, I love the hexagonal tiles on the floor of the men’s toilet in the Lansdowne Hotel, Chippendale, in Sydney. Could it be because I’m old enough to remember when military simulations were played out on maps with a hexagonal grid?