The 9pm Edict #2

The 9pm Edict

Labor Party dissent over internet censorship goes public. Shock horror: modern vigilantes use Facebook. And the interim Premier of New South Wales says a precedent is not actually a precedent.

Ladies and Gentlemen, despite the appalling service of the #badoptus network, here is episode 2 of The 9pm Edict. Finally.

You can listen to this episode below. But if you want them all, subscribe to the podcast feed, or even subscribe automatically in iTunes.

If you’d like to comment on this episode, please add your comment below, or Skype to stilgherrian or phone Sydney +61 2 8011 3733.

[Credits: The 9pm Edict theme by mansardian, Edict fanfare by neonaeon, all from The Freesound Project. Photograph of Stilgherrian taken 29 March 2009 by misswired, used by permission.]

7 Replies to “The 9pm Edict #2”

  1. I giggled a little at various points throughout the podcast, except for the parts where I cringed with discomfort at the things you dared to say out loud. Most excellent.

    It is high irony to listen to a program called The Edict and yet be to crying out, “Damn you, I shall storm the barricades!” Or maybe it isn’t, because I haven’t…

    While the episode was longer, it seemed shorter in the listening compared to #1. I put this down to a combination of the ambient noises of the Kelly and the playful skipping between news items.

    I also believe you won’t be offended when I say that for anyone living in NSW, you can be considered – by definition – to be preaching to the converted when describing the current NSW government as fucktards. But it is a sermon that we suffering fools of the Premier State will never tire of listening to.

    A fine choice of story fuelling the edict, and the edict itself. It is remarkable, in retrospect, how that item came and went. As you say, it’s incidental appearance in the media, the manner in which it was reported and the broader reflection on our news services are all rather odd. To be fair, though, there was a golfer’s penis to be inspected during the same period…

  2. @Sylmobile: Thank you. Yes, this episode is quite a bit longer at 22 minutes compared with about 16 and a half. And listening back to it this morning, I hear that I’m speaking at a significantly slower pace. And, um, slurring a little bit. I can’t imagine why. So I don’t know why it would seem to go more quickly.

    1. Part of my perception of length may derive from the fact that I’d pulled down the episode while a captive of the 389, having just made efforts to enter a corresponding head space to yours… I still contend that #2 had a movement between segments that #1 And it is worth noting that your pace was only slower on particular stories. When you were back on the IT related pieces, your pace returned to standard speed.

  3. Ah Stilgherrian!

    a) Regarding Kristina Keneally I wouldn’t write her off just yet. I was at the building that houses Google (Pyrmont) last night and noticed the plaque on the wall which stated that the building was proudly opened by the Minister for Planning in the New South Wales government – The Hon. Kristina Keneally ! I was at google so that I could learn to write a simple computer game using Python in Linux in which the final step was to “add violence”. Sadly I didn’t take my Ubuntu empowered laptop and arrived after 6:30pm but the nice guy in charge gave me the code to try at home. I didn’t stay to learn how to write Space Invaders in Python (which was described as advanced and only those who had added violence to the simple chimp game could proceed ).

    b) Nick Xenophon has proposed an ombudsman for dealing with Facebook and Kochie of Sunrise on Channel 7 is organising a petition (see below).

    c) As Paul Budde and others note regarding the NBN there was NO business plan when they introduced the current copper network a century or so ago so why should there be a business plan now. He isn’t the only one to have mentioned this. It was also raised at an Australian Computer Society presentation on the NBN presented by Professor Coutts who as you may be aware was a prominent member of the expert panel.

    d) Kevin Rudd doesn’t like RC filth and extreme libertatarians such as Google and Yahoo as this interview on the Sunrise Program yesterday morning demonstrates..

    brought to you by nocensorshipaus and all it’s contributors

    Kevin Rudd, Nick Xenophon and Kochie talk about Facebook, how ‘orrible RC material is and how something must be done and will be done. They are even organising a petition.


  4. @Bob Bain: I think my scepticism isn’t about KKK as Premier so much as anyone that bunch of lizards on Sussex Street put forward. Still, the Liberals aren’t exactly a shining example of a potentially dynamic state government either. Sigh.

    I agree about the business case for the NBN. The graph of exponential growth in demand for bandwidth that Mike Quigley shows these days — and I’ll post it some time soon — makes it clear that the demand will be there even if we don’t yet know precisely what the bandwidth will be used for.

    And as for Kevin Rudd on censorship… The very fact that he’s still on the “extreme libertarian” straw man argument when others have moved on worries me. Does it mean that he’s personally driving this with a religious worldview that sees it as a place filled with evil that must be fought? I hope not. I will watch that video carefully at some point.

  5. I was reassured (to some extent) after meeting the leader of the State Liberal Party (Barry O’ Farrell) at their inaugral Fairfield gala dinner while researching the topic “Politics and the Police” for the Fellowship of the Round Table ( ). Sometime pollies come across differenlty in real life than they do on TV – moaning about alleged corruption in the current Labor Party (for instance). He was described as being “a man with a big heart”. Some of the bigwigs of the State and Federal Liberal Party were there including ex Premier Nick Greiner and the “next” state Treasurer Mike Baird who seemed a nice enough fellow. I received an invite from award winning ABC journalist (award for the ABC documentary “Return of the Boat People”) and a Liberal candidate for Cabramatta Dai Le who achieved an 23% swing to the Liberal Party in Cabramatta. The resulting video was handed to me as Acting Secretary for the Fellowship (a non-affiliated, not for profit organisation that holds forums in the Jubilee Room at Parliament House) which can be viewed on their website, on the blog (which I was authorised to set up) and indeed on the Vimeo video sharing service.

    I can’t comment on the demand for bandwidth with regards to the NBN as I’m not aware (at this moment of Mike Quigley) but I can research it. My time over the past few months has been spent researching “Peak Oil” which is the subject the Fellowship of the Round Table nominated as the topic for their next forum on March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day).

    The problem with RC content is a huge one. Most RC content is perfectly legal to view purchase and own in the State of New South Wales and indeed in this far outpost in outer Western Sydney (the Federal seat of Lindsay) there is quite a bit of it on the shelves (excluding child abuse material and “animal movies”). The stock and sale of “Animal movies” came to a halt with police raids on local adult stores in 2005 (well documented in the local press and via my LiveJournal) combined with the fact that the source country (The Netherlands) outlawed them – subject to the proviso that only sex with consenting animals such as dogs would be permitted. I did tweet you about goats and Mozambique but I doubt if you had time to follow through on that. It’s hard to determine if goats can be considered “consenting animals” while dogs clearly are (as explained by the former director of the OFLC (turned pornographic film producer) David Haines (a fellow pom who fell into the role of director of the OFLC and felt qualified for the job as he had seen ads for women’s underwear while commuting on “the tube” in London ).

    Source “In the Realm of the Censors” (forum) 2004 and documented as an attendee by myself on the nocensorshipaus blog at

    BTW: After the 2005 raids the number of adult stores selling “X” and “RC” stock in LIndsay increased and the sale of prohibited content continues with a notice that “if you intend to steal our stock you will go directly to jail.” The crime of theft is considered very seriously way out west. RC content ? – the cops mostly couldn’t give a toss unless it is child abuse material. There were allegedly 30,000 videos some of which were sent to the OFLC to be rated but given the fact the OFLC charge hundreds of dollars and only allow the NSW police a minor discount I doubt if the local cops sent very many to the OFLC and I have a hunch any alleged “animal movie” would have been consigned to the scrap heap but then I’m only guessing…


  6. Addendum to my post regarding David Haines and “In the Realm of the Censors” here’s a link to my summary of the proceedings..

    David was lured to become a pornographic films producer with his first work (producer not actor) seemingly being “Buffy Down Under” which cost $70,000 to make and sold in “X” and “R” versions some 16,000 copies. He noted there were always two cameras – one for the “X” version of one for the “R” version which require different parts of the anatomy the be photographed (not photographed).

    BTW: extracts from “Buffy Down Under” (excluding the explicit sexual content) can be found on the nocensorshipaus YouTube channel. I found a copy in the “used and slightly tacky” section of an adult store in St. Marys (opposite the Aldi supermarket).

    David told how he intended the dialogue to be amusing. The problem was that the film is about two hours long and is probably the most boring legal “X” rated movie ever produced. I believe Mr. Haines should have stayed with the OFLC 🙂


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