Honesty is the best policy

Scan of newspaper page, text in article

“I supposed at least he was honest,” said Duncan Riley when he passed on this story (pictured).

I’ll reproduce the text here so the search engines find it — which may or may not be a Good Thing. My website ends up in enough weird searches as it is.


A 38-year-old Cole Avenue man reported that his home was invaded on Sept. 9. The man said that he was sitting home alone masturbating and watching a pornographic movie when a man came down into the basement, holding a gun, and started to videotape him. The man said that before he left, the intruder fed his dog some mushrooms and the dog died.

The story is supposedly from The Beacon Journal, Sunday 21 September 2003. If it’s a fake, someone’s gone to a lot of trouble.

Now, is this the weirdest crime story you’ve heard recently? Please, links to even weirder ones!

OK, that’s set the tone for the day…

2 Replies to “Honesty is the best policy”

  1. While they may not top the story in the main article, I think these are still pretty bizarre in their own right.

    Armless, one-legged man leads police on pursuit

    Man, disguised as tree, robs bank
    If anybody can shed some light on why the perpetrator in the afore-mentioned story was disguised as a tree, I would be seriously interested to know.

    Passenger smuggles monkey onto plane under hat

    Unfortunately, the original link for this one was broken, and this was the best I could do:
    Passer-by hit by falling St Bernard Dog thrown out of window

    Also, not really a crime story, but:
    Giant badgers terrorise Basra

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