It’s more or less the start of the winter series as Stilgherrian vents about three things that got on his wick this week.
Continue reading “The 9pm Three Minor Irritations”Word-whore. I write 'em. I talk 'em. Information, politics, media, and the cybers. I drink. I use bad words. All publication is a political act. All communication is propaganda. All art is pornography. All business is personal. All hail Eris! Vive les poissons rouges sauvages!
It’s more or less the start of the winter series as Stilgherrian vents about three things that got on his wick this week.
Continue reading “The 9pm Three Minor Irritations”This is my third outing as guest co-host of Well May We Say, the Australian politics podcast from Jeremy Sear-Pirko in Melbourne and, this time, Denise Sear-Pirko. We had opinions on things. This episode is titled “Detachable Frydenberg” for reasons which will eventually become clear.
Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 133, “Detachable Frydenberg””This is my second outing as guest co-host on Well May We Say, the Australian politics podcast from Jeremy Sear-Pirko in Melbourne. As usual we had opinions on things. The episode is titled “TVs Just Don’t Smash Like They Used To“.
Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Well May We Say episode 127, “TVs Just Don’t Smash Like They Used To””Last Sunday the Australian government launched its COVIDSafe contact tracing app, and my week of Monday 26 April to Sunday 3 May 2020 contained a lot talking about it — for which I’m not paid of course. However my writing for ZDNet was about longer-term issues of national cyber resilience and diplomacy. Mostly.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 518: COVIDSafe, cybers, and a lot of wind”The week of Monday 10 to Sunday 16 February 2020 was wet. I lost a day clearing up after the weekend rainstorms, but I still got a couple of things written, and a lot of planning done. And a nice long Sunday lunch.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 507: After the rains the clean-up, and cuttlefish soldiers”What a week! Monday 2 to Sunday 8 December 2019 was drenched in bushfire smoke, disrupted by another set of missions on Health Patrol, and riddled with other sources of chaos. And yet…
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 497: A podcast, a cyber document, and a smoke-soaked warship”