Snarky Platypus and I have created this bingo card for 2025 listing 25 distinctly possible things. We also list the suggestions which didn’t make it.
Continue reading “Bingo Card 2025: Which of these things will happen?”The 9pm Secrets of Dinosaur Club on Ketamine with Snarky Platypus

No, we’re not really on ketamine. But as the spring series continues we’re going sideways with a bonus episode featuring my good friend Snarky Platypus and many, many topics.
Continue reading “The 9pm Secrets of Dinosaur Club on Ketamine with Snarky Platypus”Digital developments from Canberra 28
Nuclear submarines are the big story this week, but there’s plenty more — including the sudden resignation of our FOI commissioner, predictive policing, and various reports on our surveillance regime.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 28”The 9pm Penny Wong Cardboard Dog Covid Update with Yun Jiang

The spring series of The 9pm Edict comes to a belated finale with special guest Yun Jiang, the inaugural China Matters Fellow at the Australian Institute of International Affairs. And guess what? We’re discussing news from China.
Continue reading “The 9pm Penny Wong Cardboard Dog Covid Update with Yun Jiang”Digital developments from Canberra 17
Parliament may have finished for the year, but that just means there’s time for some announcements. Cybersecurity! Foreign influence! The myGov app! DNS! And more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 17”The 9pm Underwater Doomsday Conversation with H I Sutton

Finally, it’s time to talk about submarines. The spring series of The 9pm Edict continues with a conversation about what submarines in the 21st century can and can’t do with defence analyst and illustrator H I Sutton of Covert Shores.
Continue reading “The 9pm Underwater Doomsday Conversation with H I Sutton”