Weekly Wrap 619: Hacking, surveillance, and the start of a six-week election campaign

The election has been called, Cheers!

Monday 4 to Sunday 10 April 2022 was another productive week. A good podcast. A good written article. And, despite a long day out in Sydney on Saturday, some new projects are in the offing. Even La Niña couldn’t bring down my mood. And then the election campaign kicked off.

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The 9pm Halloween Bad Sex State Election Live

The set-up for “The 9pm Halloween Bad Sex State Election Live” being livestreamed and recorded on Saturday 31 October 2020 in a Sydney hotel room.

It’s Halloween! In this special livestreamed episode there’s, yes, bad sex and the Queensland election. There’s also a sex trivia quiz. And drinking. Oh yes, there was certainly drinking.

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