How to listen to “The 9pm Halloween Bad Sex State Election Live” and any future livestreams

That very special livestream “The 9pm Halloween Bad Sex State Election Live” is happening just two days from now — but how do you listen? Read on. Or listen on.

The easiest way is to go to The livestream should play automatically as soon as it starts. That’s at 8pm AEDT this Saturday 31 October. Halloween. I’ll have a test stream playing roughly 15 minutes ahead of time.

To get the full experience, though, you’ll want to be part of the live chat. For that you’ll need to do one of these things:

  • If you’re on a desktop or laptop computer, click on the episode title in the player thing or go to the Spreaker show page at The livestream will appear at the top of the episode list. Press play.
  • If you’re on a mobile device, install the Spreaker play app. Search for “The 9pm Edict”, click on the cover image, and there’s the playlist right in front of you. Press play.

To take part in the chat you’ll need to create an account and log in. I’m sure you can manage this.

So what will be happening?

  • Excerpts from some of the really bad political sex fiction that’s been published recently.
  • Live updates of the Queensland state election including commentary on Antony Green’s special performance. Which isn’t about sex. Probably.
  • Me reading whatever bad sex stories you send me.
  • A pub-style sex trivia quiz.
  • … and more.

What if I miss the start?

I understand that 8pm AEDT in NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania is 7.30pm ACDT in South Australia, 7pm AEST in Queensland, 6.30pm ACST in the Northern Territory, and 5pm in Western Australia AWST, Bummer, eh?

To make life a bit easier, I’ll post partial recordings as we go along. Four parts of roughly an hour each will appear in the playlist as soon as they’re ready.

Of course you can listen to the whole thing any time you like from Sunday onwards in the podcast app of your choice.

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