Weekly Wrap 651: Ever more schadenfreude, a kookaburra, and an announcement about The 8pm Quiz

Laughing Kookaburra

Two weeks in and I’m still wallowing in the ongoing soap opera that is Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. My week of Monday 14 to Sunday 20 November 2022 saw me waste so much time on that, but I also managed to push some commentary and other media objects.

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The 9pm Extra: Vertical Hold episode 403, “Has Elon Musk sunk Twitter? Should Medibank pay its cyber-ransom?”

The header of Elon Musk’s Twitter page as at 4 November 2022. (Screenshot: Stilgherrian) Inset: Vertical Hold podcast profile image. (Supplied)

Elon Musk finally owns Twitter, but is the social media giant circling the drain or about to become something entirely new? Should Medibank pay the ransom to keep customers sensitive medical data safe? I was on this week’s Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News and this is an updated version.

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The 9pm State of Lenny Kravitz’s Underpants with David F Porteous

David F Porteous
David F Porteous expresses joy at the elevation of Rishi Sunak to the role of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Photo: Supplied)

As the spring series of The 9pm Edict continues, Rishi Sunak becomes the new prime minister of the UK — at least at the time of recording — so who better to join us than Scottish author and social researcher David F Porteous?

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The 9pm Space Telescope Titillation with Pulsar Boy Rami Mandow

Rami Mandow and two telescopes, one an optical scope and one part of a home-made radio telescope. (Photo: Supplied; Post-processing: Stilgherrian)

The winter series of The 9pm Edict continues with astrophysicist Rami Mandow, founder of SpaceAustralia.com. There’s a new telescope to talk about, and much more.

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