Productivity started to return during my week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 March 2025, but not entirely. So here’s a photo of two king parrots and some links and stuff. There’s also a video of a grey butcherbird.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 771: Never mind the productivity, feel the parrot”Weekly Wrap 759: Am I the perfect parrot perch, perchance?
During my week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 December 2024 a certain king parrot decided that I am now his feeding perch. I finally wrapped up the spring series of The 9pm Edict podcast. And my injuries continued to heal quite quickly. I’ll definitely tell you more about them soon.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 759: Am I the perfect parrot perch, perchance?”Weekly Wrap 757: Welcome the Parrots of Productivity
My week of Monday 25 November to Sunday 1 December 2024 was finally a bit more productive. There’s yet another podcast. There were billable hours. And most importantly, we’re in the final stages of this season’s crowdfunder.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 757: Welcome the Parrots of Productivity”Weekly Wrap 676: Two parrots, one Budget, and much productivity
It was quite a productive week, my week of Monday 8 to Sunday 14 May 2023, despite me being completely unproductive on Thursday because long lunch. Lots of client work, a podcast, and a long blog post.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 676: Two parrots, one Budget, and much productivity”Weekly Wrap 653: Starting summer with schadenfreude and a king parrot
My week of Monday 28 November to Sunday 4 December 2022 represented a pause before a couple of very busy weeks. The weather was lovely, as was the continuing schadenfreude from You Know What.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 653: Starting summer with schadenfreude and a king parrot”Weekly Wrap 602: Slime mould, summer, and cybers
As expected, the Great Sog of La Niña continued through the week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 December 2021, at least until the weekend. It was a productive week with actual social activities — but I’m already behind schedule so let’s get straight into the business.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 602: Slime mould, summer, and cybers”