I’ve decided that during spring there will be a special series of the Edict, with guests! Roughly one per week. Author and reprobate John Birmingham is first, with more to follow, but let me tell you how you can be part of it.
Continue reading “Announcing “The 9pm Spring Series 2020””Weekly Wrap 532: Many cyber, much podcast, and some proper winter weather
My week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 August 2020 was podcast-heavy. I produced one of my own, and appeared on three others. I also went down the rabbit-hole of Australia’s new but somewhat disappointing Cyber Security Strategy.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 532: Many cyber, much podcast, and some proper winter weather”Weekly Wrap 511: Ranting as the world begins to fall apart
The week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 March 2020 saw a shift in Australia’s reaction to the COVID-19 coronavirus, with the first warnings to start “social distancing”. My burst of productivity will be hard to keep going. I’ll write more about this virus thing another time.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 511: Ranting as the world begins to fall apart”Announcing “The 9pm Brisbane Podcasts 2019”
It’s time to record more episodes of my inappropriately-named podcast The 9pm Edict in Brisbane. Why? A Queensland visit has just been added to my work schedule, so I’ve put myself at your disposal in Brisbane on 1 to 4 June.
I’ll organise my plan of action and any guests over the next few days, and I’ll post the details here.
Meanwhile, please pledge your support in the Pozible crowdfunding campaign to cover my costs. It runs until Thursday 31 May 2019 at 2100 AEST.
Continue reading “Announcing “The 9pm Brisbane Podcasts 2019””Announcing “The 9pm Minor Party Policy Filibuster”
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my latest stupid podcast idea. A livestreamed reading of minor party election policies, while drinking. It’ll be like The 9pm One Nation Policy Reading in 2016, as shown in the photo.
It’s happening this Saturday 4 May, starting at 1900 AEST and running for four hours.
It’s all about the polices of the minor parties having a go for the forthcoming federal election. Everyone but Liberal, National, Labor, and The Greens. Yeah, the loopy ones.
It’ll also be raising a little money for charity.
Listen live at stilgherrian.com/edict/live/ or on Spreaker apps, and read on for more details, including how to make a contribution.
Continue reading “Announcing “The 9pm Minor Party Policy Filibuster””Weekly Wrap 456: Cyberwar and podcast plans
My week of Monday 18 to Sunday 24 February 2019 was an adequate mix of productivity and de-stressing. Let’s concentrate on the former for now.