Updated: Australian cyber-related legislation before parliament, plus current inquiries

Parliament House, Canberra

The Australian parliament has finished its business for February 2022, and there’s likely to be just three more sitting days before the election is called. Here’s a list of legislation and inquiries that have been making their way through the system and which are relevant to my interests — and perhaps yours.

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The 9pm Kooyong Election Preview and Media Troll Fight with Six News Australia’s Leo Puglisi

Leo Puglisi prepares to record for 6 News Australia. (Supplied.)

The Summer Series continues with special guest Leo Puglisi, the young lad from Melbourne who founded and runs 6 News Australia, and who’s been copping flak on social media from all manner of politically motivated trolls.

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The 9pm Extra: Talking Tech Policy episode 2, “Replumbing Power”

Johanna Weaver
Johanna Weaver, Director of the Tech Policy Design Centre, ANU (Original photo: Supplied)

The Australian government made many changes to the regulation of the online world during 2021. They were the subject earlier this month when I was a guest on the new podcast Talking Tech Policy from the new Tech Policy Design Centre at the Australian National University.

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The 9pm Extra: Keep the Bastards Honest episode 5, “The Murder on Thursday Law with Stilgherrian”

You may well have thought that a certain once-potent political party, the Australian Democrats, imploded around the turn of the 21st century, and you’d be right. But they’re back, with a podcast titled Keep the Bastards Honest. This week I became their first non-party guest.

Continue reading “The 9pm Extra: Keep the Bastards Honest episode 5, “The Murder on Thursday Law with Stilgherrian””