Weekly Wrap 564: Sog, pod, and magpies again

My week of Monday 15 to Sunday 21 March was a sleepy one, and at the end quite moist as the Great Sog continued. The wet weather and the ongoing adjustments to my brain meds led me to have a more… relaxed week. There’s a great podcast though.


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  • Magpie Army 001: Feeding Time, being my magnificent Magpie Army (Gymnorhina tibicen tibicen) scrabbling for the food being thrown for them at Bunjaree Cottages on Thursday. I’ll be adding more of these little clips from time to time.

Media Appearances

Articles, Corporate Largesse

None, but you can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to get a compilation of new stories by email each Sunday morning, if there are any.


The Week Ahead

It’s Week 53 of the Quarantimes for me, to be spent mostly at Bunjaree Cottages at Wentworth Falls when I return there on Tuesday.

Yes, it’s been a year since the coronavirus pandemic first started to affect me personally. It now seems odd to refer to it as the Quarantimes, since the restrictions in NSW are mild and haven’t changed my world that much. But it has changed me. I’ll return to those thoughts during the week.

On Wednesday I’ll pop in to the United States Studies Centre seminar, A conversation with The Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin. It’s a look back at the US-China relationship under Trump, apparently based around his book.

Thursday night is time for The 8pm Quiz S02 E02 at 8pm AEDT, rescheduled from last week. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on any further episodes that I might add in.

I seriously need to get some writing done too. Revenue is well under budget again. Sigh.

Further Ahead

Currently in the calendar:

[Photo: Yet another view of my magnificent Magpie Army, being a screen grab from a video shot earlier this week.]