Weekly Wrap 761: What if your life was a pie?

Monday 23 to Sunday 29 December 2024 was my last full week for the year. I was wondering what photo to use for this final Weekly Wrap, and then Fate provided exactly what I needed. This discarded pie represents your world, Good People. Peck peck peck.


  • On Friday I recorded an episode of The 9pm Edict with Snarky Platypus, in which we looked back at our 2024 bingo cards. However I delayed editing it because I wanted a lazy weekend. I’ll do that post-production in the coming week.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can always throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider, especially during this holiday season. It’s such a terrible time for freelancers.

Articles, Media Appearances, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled. You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.


As we approach the end of the year, my deep fascination with Elon Musk has led me to read all manner of weird commentary — most of it from the man himself. It frightens me that such an obviously stupid individual has the ear of so many people in power, and that he’s becoming more and more unhinged as time goes on.

Also in the news:

The Week Ahead

The week begins in Sydney, where I’ve been staying in an apartment while its owner is on holidays.

Monday, as I write this, will eventually be about podcast post-production, although I’ll aim to post the finished episode on Tuesday — a day which is also New Year’s Eve and during which we’ll produce our bingo cards for 2025.

New Year’s Day is therefore on Wednesday and it will be relatively lazy, with the posting of the bingo cards and, in the evening, a social thing.

[Update 1 January 2025: And on Thursday evening a social thing. There’s only so many days of minimal sleep I can cope with, not from late nights but from environmental factors. One learns.]

The rest of the week is unplanned, except for a scheduled return to the Blue Mountains on Friday afternoon.

Further Ahead

I keep saying I’ll pencil in all the appointments and podcast recording dates “next week”, and then I keep deciding I’ll have a proper end-of-year wind-down. The latter always wins. So there’s no firm dates for these yet.

However I do know what some of The 9pm Edict podcast episodes will be about. In January we’ll look at space with space archaeologist Dr Alice Gorman aka Dr Space Junk and astrophysicist Rami Mandow. There will definitely be an episode about conspiracy theories like the Flat Earth, unless that turns out to be true. And writer and columnist John Birmingham will probably join us in February.

We’ll also have those two pilot episodes of the Untitled Music Podcast, which I’ll start organising from next week.

Happy New Year, everyone.

[Photo: The Fate of the Pie, photographed on George Street, Sydney, on 29 December 2024.]