Weekly Wrap 771: Never mind the productivity, feel the parrot

Productivity started to return during my week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 March 2025, but not entirely. So here’s a photo of two king parrots and some links and stuff. There’s also a video of a grey butcherbird.


  • The Weekly Cybers #58. Proposed new rules for social media platforms, calls for sweeping changes to government AI, and no, Facebook isn’t for emergencies.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.


  • 013 Butcherbird Lunch, in which a female grey butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus) catches a ball of food and holds it in her talons as she slowly eats some of it, before flying away. This is the first addition to my Critters playlist in 16 months. I should do better.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.

Podcasts, Media Appearances, Photos, Corporate Largesse

None of these.

As I explained last week, I’ve extended summer into March so I can still claim that the summer series episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast will all have been posted in summer, along with the two pilot episodes of Another Untitled Music Podcast.

Before then, though, you are more than welcome to throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider. Yes, please consider.


What a week! It’s another almost random selection of Musk stories from me, but it’s clear that even Donald Trump is starting to tire of him.

Some Interesting Links

The Week Ahead

It’s yet another week when I need to attempt to concentrate on work, particularly after three weeks of failure to do so. As I’ve said before, that’s not much of a plan, but it’s my plan

Nevertheless, I’ll finish editing the first pilot episode of Another Untitled Music Podcast, although it won’t be posted until the following week. I’ll also produce a brief solo episode of The 9pm Edict, which will appear this week. And of course The Weekly Cybers newsletter will appear as usual on Friday.

As for the client work, well, wish me luck.

Further Ahead

  • Podcast recording with Associate Professor David Smith from the United States Study Centre, 25 March 2025. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for this episode, please let me know by 8pm AEDT on Monday 24 March.

[Photo: One of my local king parrot couples (Alisterus scapularis) having lunch at Bunjaree Cottages near Wentworth Falls NSW on 6 March 2025. They’re looking a little damp in the rain. I know I post photos of the local birds quite frequently, but I’m being lazy.]