On Australia Day, Google Maps did a flyover of Sydney to take low-level photos. A small ISP decided to create an advertisement in the photos. So is that spam? Or as one commenter pointed out, were they just acting on Google’s invitation to “get involved”?
I am resigned to the fact…
… that I will never be Australian of the Year.
Apple iPhone parodies
Thanks to the ever-observant people at Signal vs Noise, I can draw your attention to Worth1000.com‘s competition for fake designs for non-existent Apple products.
I can’t be the only one with infantile humour, because there’s lots of toilet-themed entries — though for my money this is the best.
One name: why so hard?
It’s more than 25 years since I’ve had one name, Stilgherrian. That’s plenty of time to get with the program. So from now on I’ll name the businesses and organisations who can’t get it right — starting with the Australian Business Register.
Govt can’t spell “Australia”
The most commonly mis-spelt word on Australian government websites is: Australia. (Reported by an attendee of the Accessibility talk at yesterday’s Web Standards Group meeting in Canberra.)
OTT architecture for Gazprom
Since I’m suffering a bad cold at the moment, I only have energy to passively wonder at the six astounding designs being put forward for a new Gazprom HQ in St Petersburg. The image below shows the proposed design by Daniel Libeskind, but they’re all rather over the top.
Thanks to Signal vs Noise for the tip.