This 10-minute clip from The Daily Show explains all.
Sandra Nori’s Weekend Specials
If you’re after cheap beer, this Labor MP‘s office on Broadway seems to be the place — or at least it was this afternoon.
It’s Star Trek, Jim, but not as we know it
For a start, it’s Star Trek in Turkish. And the SFX are really, really… choice. Listen up for the Pink Floyd sample. It’s ten minutes of your life you’ll never get back.
Animals on the Underground
Is this fantastic art or nothing more than a complicated version of colouring in? Animals on the Underground builds on a silly idea financed by plenty of merchandise — t-shirs, coffee cups, mouse mats and underwear. Thanks to information aesthetics for the pointer.
US Cryptographers: “FrpX-K5jE-Oc4n-e5Dn”
From that fine journal, The Onion, a warning:
WASHINGTON, DC—In a carefully phrased, 128-bit encoded announcement that has challenged US security agency procedures, top officials of the National Cryptography and Information Security Council warned that “FrpX-K5jE-Oc4n-e5Dn” if “Ha4d-87gH-uiH3-gB5r-g8Bh” late Monday.
How rich are you, really?
The Global Rich List puts your personal wealth in perspective. Compare your income not just with Bill Gates and Ingvar Kamprad, but everyone else on the planet. You’ll be surprised…