Happy Christmas! My week of Monday 19 to Sunday 25 December 2022 was productive, with a lovely podcast, a regular blog post, a video livestream, and more. But then it was the Christmas weekend and, well, there’s a photograph of a Bloody Mary on this page. You can join the dots.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 656: It’s Christmas, but not before getting some work done”Digital developments from Canberra 19
In the final weekdays before Christmas, we have a bunch of reports, although we only get to see the ASD’s government cybersecurity posture review. It contains depressing news.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 19”Weekly Wrap 655: The relative calm before a busy pre-Christmas week
My week of Monday 12 to Sunday 18 December 2022 was moderately productive, with a podcast and the launch of a new crowdfunding campaign, plus all the usual things. I set up all the things for a busy week next week. And I had a lovely afternoon at the pub.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 655: The relative calm before a busy pre-Christmas week”Digital developments from Canberra 18
Parliament did come back for a day but that was about energy prices. That said, we saw action on robots, navy drones, digital wallets, and the US CLOUD Act. Oh yeah, and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) was abolished.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 18”Weekly Wrap 654: A surge of productivity and a surprise train
I got a lot done in my week of Monday 5 to Sunday 11 December 2022, most of it currently-invisible work for clients. One lovely surprise was seeing a brand new NSW TrainLink Mariyung D-Set train, so new it still had plastic sheeting over its windows and seats. I hope the industrial dispute and modifications to the trains are completed soon so we can actually use them.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 654: A surge of productivity and a surprise train”Digital developments from Canberra 17
Parliament may have finished for the year, but that just means there’s time for some announcements. Cybersecurity! Foreign influence! The myGov app! DNS! And more.
Continue reading “Digital developments from Canberra 17”