The aesthetic of Basecamp

I’m writing up my notes from today’s strategic planning session, and I was suddenly struck by the clarity of information design in Basecamp, our project communication tool. This really is one of the cleanest and most elegant user interfaces I’ve ever used.

Screenshot of Basecamp following a strategic planning session

Things of note about this screenshot:

  • The content dominates the page, not some loudly-screaming logo or “web page header”.
  • The hierarchy of the information is very clear. It’s immediately obvious which label is attached to which object, and what’s more important.
  • It’s simple, easy on the eye — so you can work on this all day.

Which all makes it a fine example of Web 2.0 design.

Plus for some reason I really, really love the way the photos of the whiteboard make a lovely abstract pattern.

How will you mark the Winter Solstice?

Tomorrow, 21 June, is the Winter Solstice here in the southern hemisphere — traditionally a time for new beginnings. What will you be doing for the Solstice?

Last year I wrote a personal rant. But this year I’m spending the day with my office manager, my partner and a colleague who knows about creative business strategies, trying to figure out how best to re-shape what I’m doing.

We’ve booked a meeting room overlooking Sydney Harbour, so I’m expecting to be inspired — one way or another. At the very least I should get some decent photos.

[Update 21 June: Actually, the Solstice is 22 June here in Sydney this year. Details in the comments.]

Why does MYOB always seem so desperate?

MYOB is an annoying company — literally. They annoy me. I’ve written to them about this — but of course like most companies they never bothered replying.

They’ve already sent letters and faxes and emails about renewing before 30 June. Today they phoned. “I’m at a client’s,” I said, “So I can’t talk now. But yes, we’ve received the faxes and we will be renewing before the end of the month.”

Now at that point I’d expect a polite goodbye. Something like “OK, good. Have a nice day, bye.” But no. Mr MYOB sort of stumbled and asked me if I wanted to pay with my credit card.

“No,” I said with a sense of deja vu. “I’m at a client’s, so I can’t talk now.” And of course I’ll give my credit card number to a complete stranger who called me unexpectedly.

Sheesh. I know, software is a competitive industry, there’s a target to meet etc etc. But please be able to understand simple human communication protocols.

The Westpac Experience, Part 1

Westpac logo

I’m changing banks. It turns out St George Bank’s Business Banking Online service only works with Internet Explorer on Windows, which isn’t much use for a Mac-based business. So I’m moving to Westpac — chosen on the basis that since all banks are bastards, I might as well pick the one which is supposedly responsible and sustainable.

But even Westpac seems strangely last-century…

Continue reading “The Westpac Experience, Part 1”