I’ll be attending ALIA Information Online 2009, starting tomorrow in Sydney. I’m not quite sure exactly how I’ll cover it, though there’ll probably be a liveblog of some sort and a subsequent blog post or two. Stand by.
Two more media appearances
I’ve blipped up in a couple new places overnight. ZDNet Australia quoted me in a story, Australian Twitter use hits all-time high. Given the volume of my Twitterstream that’s probably my fault alone. And I’ve also appeared in cartoon form thanks to websinthe. More on both those stories soon.
The Internet’s feral goldfish get it very wrong
I’m in Crikey again today, this time with a piece called The Internet’s feral goldfish get it very wrong. It’s free for all to read and, yes, it introduces the world to my “feral goldfish” concept. Vive les poissons rouges sauvages!
So, this is 2009…
So far, 2009 looks remarkably like 2008, but with more flies. I’m disappointed. Then again, I haven’t been outside yet. I have an urge to write a reflective piece like last year — though not an urge strong enough to overcome my inertia. I’ve already looked back at my predictions for 2008 and delivered His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message. What more can I say?
Best of the Internet?
I see that Peter Black, lecturer in Internet law at Queensland University of Technology, has listed this website as one of the Best Australian Blogs of 2008. Clearly the man is a dangerous fool and not to be trusted. Pay no attention.
Christmas announcement soon
I’ll announce the broadcast time for His Benevolence Stilgherrian’s Christmas Message late this afternoon Sydney time. In a few hours, in other words. Meanwhile you can still nominate your preferred time in that previous post.