The 9pm Geography of Cybercrime with Dr Miranda Bruce

Dr Miranda Bruce is ready to wrangle the cybercrime data. (Main photo: John Carroll/UNSW Canberra at ADFA; background image: Benjamas/Rawpixel; digital composition: Stilgherrian.)

Have you ever been a victim of cybercrime? I know I have. I bet you have too. So let’s talk about that now with Dr Miranda Bruce from UNSW Canberra, because she’s been working on the World Cybercrime Index.

In this episode we talk about the types of cybercrime and its different characteristics around the world, cybercrime factories and human trafficking, and how law enforcement agencies’ views about their role all this role seem to different those of us ordinary citizens.

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Thank you, Media Freedom Citizenry

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

For this episode it’s thanks again to everyone who supported  The 9pm Winter Series 2024 crowdfunding campaign.

CONVERSATION TOPICS: Paul McElwee, Peter Sandilands, and one person who chooses to remain anonymous.

THREE TRIGGER WORDS: Paris Lord, Paul Williams, and Peter Lieverdink.

ONE TRIGGER WORD: Andrew Kennedy, Ben G, Benno Rice, Bernard Walsh, Bic Smith, David Heath, Frank Filippone, Gavin Costello, Jamie Morrison, Julia DB, Mark Newton, Michael, Michael Cowley, Miriam Faye, Nicole Coombe, Oliver Townshend, Peter Blakeley, Peter Blakeley again, Regina Huntington, Ric Hayman, and two people who choose to remain anonymous.

PERSONALISED VIDEO MESSAGE: Gordon Kerry and Lucas James.

PERSONALISED AUDIO MESSAGE: Kimberley Heitman and one person who chooses to remain anonymous.

FOOT SOLDIERS FOR MEDIA FREEDOM who gave a SLIGHTLY LESS BASIC TIP: Brenton Realph, Brenton Realph again, Charles Gutjahr, Errol Cavit, Garth Kidd, James Henstridge, Matthew Crawford, Peter McCrudden, Rohan, and Tim Bell.

MEDIA FREEDOM CITIZENS who contributed a BASIC TIP: Mijanou Zigane and one person who chooses to remain anonymous,

And another eight people chose to have no reward, even though some of them were the most generous of all. Thank you all so much.

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