Is London 2012 skewing their blog commentary?

Yesterday I posted a comment about the dodgy logo at the London 2012 blog, but it wasn’t published. So this morning I’ve posted the following comment which may or may not appear.

I don’t understand why the balance of commentary on this blog is so out of kilter with the balance of commentary elsewhere. It’s clear that most media outlets are reflecting an overwhelmingly negative response to the new branding — yet that’s not reflected here.

I posted a comment on this issue on Monday’s posting but it wasn’t published — yet I don’t see how it broke the commenting guidelines.

Are comments being selectively published as a PR “spin”?

I wonder if they’ll even respond… there’s so much at stake with the Olympics, and so many reputations to protect.

3 Replies to “Is London 2012 skewing their blog commentary?”

  1. Guess the broader question is: “Is it so wrong to moderate your comments; particularly when you filter comments to align to your world view?”. And do we as visitors necessarily have rights in that regard?

    It’s probably more common than what we think. And there are obvious limits, else my random writings about smurf felching would have made it into Readers Digest letters column.

    In this case, not sure I blame them for wanting to keep things positive? Although maybe the general public does have a greater right to a balanced and honest commentary than, say, readers of a personal blog. It’s our Olympics, man!

  2. @jason: You raise an interesting point. What are our expectations when it comes to having our comments published? We have no “right” to comment on another website — not on their site, anyway, though we can publish whatever we like on our own sites. Is it a different thing when we’re talking about “our Olympics”, paid for with our public money? Well, the Poms’ money, it’s London.

    For me, the gripe is about hypocrisy (yeah, that word again). If you publish a comments policy, but then don’t publish a comment simply because it’s not the message you want to give — well, you’re just being dishonest.

    That’s why I probably shouldn’t publish a comments policy of my own. Far better to be able to tell you all where to go…

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