Well that was a strange little disaster!

The “live recording” of Stilgherrian Live Alpha Episode 1 didn’t exactly go according to plan. You can see the resulting video now, but I’ll write up some notes during the day.

5 Replies to “Well that was a strange little disaster!”

  1. Hilarious!

    But heaps of potential 🙂 It was entertaining even without the confounded gadgetery working, so even better when it finally does.

  2. many happy returns!

    And yes, it is (According to Facebook!) “International Be Sexually Inappropriate With Your Friends Day”

    But, such a subjective term…

  3. And yes, it is (According to Facebook!) “International Be Sexually Inappropriate With Your Friends Day”

    Anybody want to help me out here?

    I’m sure we’ll discuss your failure tomorrow Mr Stilgherrian 😉

  4. Thanks for the support, good people. Yeah it was a mess. But I’m not too worried about this. The technical trials of a new live radio or TV program are usually done out of sight of the public. I decided to open it up and let everyone see it. Hence the “alpha” tag.

    I suppose it’s a bit like the “rapid prototyping” methodology that programmers use: make a very rough first draft of each component, throw it al together and see what the client thinks — and what you learn.

    Another analogy is that the prototype aircraft was nowhere near ready to fly. It’s ended up in a flaming wreck at the end of the runway. But the black box flight recorder will tell us many things.

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